School Education Extension of validity period of Teacher Eligibility Test Certificate Orders Issued


Public Services - Educational Qualification - Consideration of certain degrees awarded by Barathidasan University as equivalent to certain degrees


Public Services - Educational Qualification - Consideration of M.Sc., Applied Mathematics awarded by Barathidasan University as equivalent to M.Sc., Mathematics


Public Services - Educational Qualification - Consideration of various Educational qualification possessed by the candidates as equivalent to the qualification prescribed for the post of teachers in the School Education Department.


Public Services - Equivalence Committee - Tamil Nadu Industries Service and Commerce Department - Post of Assistant Director (Industrial Co-operatives) in category 3 of Tamil Nadu Industries Service - Revision of Educational Qualification based on resolution passed in the 35th Equivalence Committee - Orders - Issued .


Public Services - Equivalence of Degree - Various educational qualifications possessed by the candidates as equivalent / not equivalent to the courses offered by the various Universities - Recommendation of Equivalence Committee - Orders - Issued.


School Education - Equivalence Committee - Considering the Educational Qualification obtained from Various Universities as equivalent to the qualification prescribed for the post of B.T. Teachers - Recommendation of Equivalence Committee - Orders - Issued.


Equivalence of Degree - Various educational qualifications possessed by the candidates as equivalent to the courses offered by the various Universities - Recommendation of Equivalence Committee - Orders - issued.

G.O. NO 2-1_0001

Public Services - Equivalence of Degree - Various educational qualifications possessed by the candidates as equivalent to the courses offered by the various Universities - Recommendation of Equivalence Committee - Orders - Issued.

G.O NO 2-2_0001

Public Services -- Education Qualification - Consideration of M.A English Literature Language and Communication awareded by Vels University as to whether eduivalent to M.A English.

G.O NO 2-3_000

Public Service - Educational Qualification - Consideration of M.S Applied Econometrics awarded by Pondicherry University as to whether equivalent to M.A Economics.

Teachers Recruitment Board, 3rd And 4th Floors, Puratchi Thalaivar Dr MGR Centenary Building, Perasiriyar Anbalagan Kalvi Valaagam, College Road Chennai 600006.
Email:trb[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in    Updated As On : 29.09.2024

All grievances must be submitted via the grievance mail ID; letters, postal mail, and other methods will not be accepted - trbgrievances[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in
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